一、基本技術動作 Basic Technique Movements
(一)靜態動作 Static Technique Movements
1.手形 Hand Gesture
搶手Thrust Palm
Face the palm upside and tighten four fingers, internally rotate the thumb, point the fingers toward 45 degrees upside, and power extends to the finger point(Fig.5-3-1).
2.步形 Stance Gesture
虛步 Empty stance
Bow one leg and squat, the whole foot touch on the ground.The toe tips of the other foot have the empty touch on the ground, internally rotate the knee.Keep the eyes looking straight ahead(Fig.5-3-2).
Points to Remember: to be clear on the virtual or real touch down on the ground with chest out and abdomen in.
(二)動態動作 Dynamic Technique Movements
1.手法 Hand Techniques
(1)格擋 High and low block on the right side/left side
Outwardly rotate the left upper arm and uplift as shoulder level, outwardly rotate the lower arm to high block from left side to upper of left anterior.Move the gravity down to horse-riding stance to have the low block within the rebounding from the outward rotation of the lower arm.(Fig.5-3-3 ①②③)。
Points to Remember: block with high efficiency harmoniously.
(2)搶手 Thrust palms with forward step