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第12章 別讓明天為今天後悔 (11)


But I noticed it. That feeling of emptiness, into which I was pouring cocktails out of boredom, was filling up instead with a purpose: to live a full life with an awareness and an appreciation of other people. I do not pretend for a second that I have suddenly become a paragon. My faults are still legion and I know them.

But it seems to me better to have a little religion and practice it than think piously and do nothing about it. I feel better adjusted, more mature than I ever have in my life before. I have no fear. I say this not boastfully but in all humility. The actual application of Christian principles has changed my life.

大約15年前的一天,我在麵對自己時,突然覺得自己的生活很空虛。也許這是朋友和同事所無法理解的。按照公認的標準來看,我是一位“成功者”。 我領導著一個生意不錯的製造公司,是社交界及商界中的“活躍分子”。然而,對我而言,這些並沒有太大的意義。我始終都在圈內轉來轉去。我努力工作,盡情享樂,但很快就發現自己飲酒過度。雖然我並不準備加入嗜酒者互誡協會,但說真的,我不得不承認自己喝了太多的酒。也許,這是因為我的生活實在太無聊了。
