首頁 英文愛藏:轉個彎人生更開闊

第7章 成功的DNA密碼 (6)


Having a positive attitude can also help change daily moods we get ourselves into. If a person is in a negative mood, he or she just needs to turn it around and determine not to feel bad any longer. Pretty soon he or she starts thinking positively instead. This method also works with other people. If you notice someone is in a bad mood, be positive and upbeat around that person, instead of letting that person influence you to begin thinking negatively.

Positive thinking and attitudes are contagious. Last year, I had a wonderful ninth grade English teacher, who was very upbeat and enthusiastic. We were beginning to learn how to diagram sentences. The first day we started diagramming she made the entire class stand up and repeat the phrase “Diagramming is fun!” until we looked enthusiastic enough to satisfy her. She explained that if you say something a lot, you start to believe it’s true. Every day when it was time to diagram, my teacher would stand up in front of the class with an enormous smile on her face, and she appeared to be having the best time of her life. Her attitude took something most kids see as boring and pointless and made it fun and exciting.

Soon I will undergo four major surgeries. I don’t know what the future holds for me but I know I will keep a positive attitude to help me get through it. A positive attitude makes all the difference!


