首頁 英文愛藏:我在回憶裏等你

第11章 若別離,莫相忘 (10)


3. One black cat, with greater than the others, approached the , grabbed it and .


1. 這是我曾經聽到過的最觸動人心的一則有關狗狗的故事。

2. 無論是烈日炎炎還是大雨傾盆,它始終在那片海灘上等著。

3. 有一隻黑貓顯然比其他貓有勇氣靠近那條魚。


1. One day the dog became so concerned when the Englishman disappeared into the water that he dove in after him.

dive in:頭朝下跳入水中;開始猛吃;熱切地加入


2. ... the dog would never leave the beach for fear he would miss his master’s return.

for fear:唯恐;害怕



Soul to Soul

佚名 / Anonymous

I worked at the Colorado State University Veterinary Teaching Hospital as a counselor in the Changes Program. We help people deal with the experience of losing a pet, whether through illness, accident or euthanasia.

One time, I had a client named Bonnie, a woman in her mid-fifties. Bonnie had driven an hour and a half to see if the doctors at the hospital could do anything to help her fourteen-year-old black standard poodle, Cassandra,affectionately called Cassie. The dog had been lethargic for a week or so and seemed to be confused at times.

She had been told earlier that morning by neurologist Dr. Jane Bush that Cassie had a brain tumor that could take Cassie’s life at any time.

Bonnie was devastated to learn that her companion animal was so ill. That was when Bonnie was introduced to me. The Changes Program often helps people while they wrestled with the difficult decision of whether to euthanize a pet or let nature take its course.

Bonnie had graying, light-brown wavy hair that she pulled back into a large barrette. She had sparkling light blue eyes that immediately drew my attention, and there was a calmness about her that told me she was a person who thought things through, a woman who did not make hasty decisions.