國際收支與國際貿易有著密切的關係。在一國國際收支處於不平衡狀態時,國家可能會通過法律、法規對外匯市場進行幹預:當一國外匯賬戶支出遠大於收入時,國家可能會實行貨幣貶值措施,促進本國貨物出口而抑製外國貨物進口,從而達到獲取更多外匯以平衡收支賬戶的目的;當一國外匯賬戶收遠大於支時,國家可能會采取措施平抑出口。也就是說,國家所采取的外匯管理措施會對國際貿易流向產生影響。如果國家濫用外匯管理措施,就會對國際貿易產生不必要的扭曲。正是由於這樣的原因,國際貨幣基金組織(International Monetary Fund)要求成員方維持固定匯率並解除外匯管製,從而起到約束成員方濫用外匯管製措施的作用。但是,國家在國際實踐中很容易出現國際收支不平衡的狀況,為了使國家能夠在此種情況出現時有足夠的應對措施,多邊貿易體製設計了國際收支限製的例外製度。
現行的國際收支例外製度由兩大部分構成,即GATT1994第12、15條和18條的規定以及烏拉圭回合《關於GATT1994國際收支條款的諒解》(Understanding on the Balance-of-Payments Provisions of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1994,以下簡稱《諒解》)。
GATT1994第12條明確賦予了各締約方為了保障其對外金融地位和國際收支而限製進口商品的數量或價值的權利,但這種權利的實施並不是無條件的,且發達國家和發展中國家需要遵循的條件是不一樣的。To forestall the imminent threat of, or to stop, a serious decline in its monetary reserves; or in the case of a contracting party with very low monetary reserves, to achieve a reasonable rate of increase in its reserves. 而對於發展中國家而言,相關的條件見GATT1994第18條B節第9款:To forestall the threat of, or to stop, a serious decline in its monetary reserves, or in the case of a contracting party with inadequate monetary reserves, to achieve a reasonable rate of increase in its reserves. Due regard shall be paid in either case to any special factors which may be affecting the reserves of the contracting party or its need for reserves, including, where special external credits or other resources are available to it, the need to provide for the appropriate use of such credits or resources.