首頁 在西方發現陳寅恪:中國近代人文學的東方學與西學背景




[1] Laurence G.Thompson,Chinese Religion in Western Languages:A Comprehensive and Classified Bibliography of Publications in English,French,and German through 1980,Tucson,Arizona:Published for the AAS by the University of Arizona Press.

[2] Dictionnaire bibliographique des ouvrages relatifs à l'Empire chinois.

[3] T'ung-li Yuan,China in Western Literature:A Continuation of Cordier's Bibliotheca Sinica,New Haven:Yale University,1958.

[4] 其介紹見孟華翻譯的葉利世夫女史所撰短文,載《法國漢學》第三輯,題為《漢學書目雜誌》。

[5] Jean Peters,ed.,Book Collecting:A Modern Guide(New York and London:R.R.Bowker,1977),pp.97-101;Ray Stokes,The Function of Bibliography(London:Andre Deutsch,1969).

[6] Johannes Thomas Pieter de Bruijn,“Bibliographies and Catalogues i:In the West,”in Ehsan Yarshater ed.,Encyclopedia Iranica,網絡版見http://www.iranicaonline.org/.

[7] P.Gassendi,Catalogus rarorum librorum,quos ex Oriente nuper advexit et in publica bibliotheca inclytae Leydensis Academiae deposuit...Iacobus Golius,Paris,1630.法國國民圖書館已掃描此書上網,可在以下地址下載此書:ftp://ftp.bnf.fr/574/N5744747_PDF_1_-1DM.pdf。