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第2章 寬恕 (2)


One of the hardest things about forgiveness is making that first move especially when you haven’t spoken to the person who hurt you for a while. But remember they’ll probably be happy to hear from you. They might even be impressed that you’ve done what they’ve wanted to do for years. But keep in mind you’re doing this for you just as much as them, so don’t be upset if they don’t react as you hoped.

Of course, some people don’t believe they’ve done anything wrong, or don’t care, so telling them you forgive them would only frustrate them and you. But that doesn’t mean you can’t find forgiveness in your heart. In fact, that’s what true forgiveness is letting go of your anger and hurt, becoming at peace with what happened and moving on.

The more you nurture your resentment, the more unhappy you’ll become. Unless you learn to develop the “lost art” of forgiving, you’ll always remain a victim, not just of people who’ve done you wrong, but also of your own emotions.

Forgiving puts you in control. However tough it is, the alternative is far worse. The phrase “Forgive us our sins, though we refuse to forgive those who sin against us” doesn’t exist in the . And there’s a reason for that.


