首頁 泰戈爾詩集:世界上最遙遠的距離(英漢對照)

第15章 新月集 (8)


I can just shut my eyes and think that the shadows are growing darker under the madar tree, and the water in the pond looks shiny black.

If twelve o’clock can come in the night, why can’t the night come when it is twelve o’clock?




我可以很容易想象出:此刻,太陽已經照到那片稻田的邊緣了, 那個年邁的漁婦正在池邊采擷草葉作為她的晚餐。




You say that father writes a lot of books, but what he writes I don’t understand.

He was reading to you all the evening, but could you really make out what he meant?

What nice stories, mother, you can tell us! Why can’t father write like that, I wonder?

Did he never hear from his own mother stories of giants and fairies and princesses?

Has he forgotten them all?

Often when he gets late for his bath you have to go and call him an hundred times.

You wait and keep his dishes warm for him, but he goes on writing and forgets.

Father always plays at making books.

If ever I go to play in father’s room, you come and call me,“What a naughty child!”

If I make the slightest noise, you say, Don’t you see that father’s at his work?”

What’s the fun of always writing and writing?

作 者


