And there the little dog was, sitting up on the front seat in her St. Patrick' s day outfit, peering nearsightedly out of the window at all the commotion. After two months of separation from her family, after a week on the road, after traveling across five states for 1 500 miles in the company of strangers, Snoopy' s odyssey was over.
Nancy got to the truck first. In the instant before she snatched the door open, Snoopy recognized her. Barking wildly, she scrambled across tile seat and into Nancy' s arms. Then Joe was there, and the children. Laughing, crying, they hugged Snoopy and each other. The family that didn' t give up on even its smallest member was back together again.
托普斯一家站在路邊,眼睜睜地看著他們的卡車發動機顫抖著熄了火。南希和喬夫婦帶著他們的兩個孩子,12歲的約迪和15歲的馬修,還有老狗史努比,在離家1 500英裏遠的懷俄明州的一條公路上,就這樣陷入了困境。就連擅長修車的喬對他們這輛破卡車都無能為力。那隻患有白內障的小狗用晦暗的眼神焦慮地望著家人們的臉。