首頁 陽光穿透畢業的日子

第6章 為夢想披荊斬棘 (5)


I used to think that I had to pretend to know what I was doing, that I had everything under control and that I was in charge. It was that kind of thinking that got me into trouble in the first place. Now, I was finding that the easiest way to gain other people' s respect was to admit to them what I did not know. I was shocked. It was my not knowing, my humility, and my willingness to ask others for help that was making me win in my new endeavor.

I finished my term as president. In the end, the team that I had put together raised over $125, 000 and we built a coffeehouse that is still there eleven years later.

On graduation day, as I grabbed my diploma and walked past my college president, he whispered, "Son, what doesn' t kill you makes you stronger."

我簡直不敢相信自己的眼睛。一走進校園,我就看見海報貼得到處都是,上麵潦草地寫著:“傻瓜下台!”我是學生會主席,同學們卻要我下台。同學們陸陸續續地到了學校, 我看見他們圍到海報旁,然後向我望過來。當時,我感覺自己的身心和人格就好像被置於奶酪擦上來回地磨著,我覺得自己都要崩潰了,然而仍拚命地試圖保持鎮靜。

