3. The inspector straightened up in his chair, leaned back, and talked for a__ time about his__, telling me of the clever frauds he had uncovered. His tone gradually became__, and presently he was telling me about his children. As he__, he advised me that he would consider my problem further and give me his__ in a few days.
1. 我把自己的生命浪費在爭吵之中。
2. 這種勝利沒有什麽實際意義,因為你永遠獲得不了對方的好感。
3. 人性中最常見的弱點在這位稽查員的身上得到了很好的驗證。
1. ...the more my prospect argued in favor of it...
in favor of:有利於;讚同;支持
2. An item of nine thousand dollars was at stake.
at stake:處於危險中;在緊要關頭
One Door Every Time
佚名 / Anonymous
When my husband, John, and I had our first child 20 years ago, we agreed I’d be a stay-at-home mom. That meant we’d have to make do on a single income. We scrimped and saved so we could keep with the mortgage and our student loans. We ate a lot of macaroni and cheese dinners. We even didn’t go to the movies anymore.
I clipped coupons and tracked down sales. Tuesday was when the thrift stores put out their “new” merchandise. Wednesday was when the meat and dairy section goods were marked at half price just prior to their expiration date. Saturday morning meant getting to the garage sales before anyone else. But none of this was unfamiliar. I grew up wanting. So I had set my sights on realistic goals that would get me out of poverty: a college education, a solid marriage and a career. I’d had done it all, yet I still couldn’t imagine things would never go right for me. My faith felt more like a safety net than a reason to have hope for a better life.