首頁 英文愛藏:我在回憶裏等你

第13章 若別離,莫相忘 (12)




1. For twenty years, Bonnie had been to a man who mistreated her. Bonnie had tried many, many to leave him, but she just couldn’t do it. , when she turned forty-five years old, she found the courage to walk away.

2. I know she was a from you. Today, as painful as it is, I know it is to give her back.

3. I needed him to that and I hadn’t been to find a way. Cassie the way.


1. 她有一雙能夠立即吸引我的炯炯有神的淡藍色眼睛。

2. 她深愛的漢克懸掛在一棵高高的白楊樹枝上,生命已經終結。

3. 他們相敬如賓,互相關心愛護,共享生活的喜悅與悲傷。


1. She looked comfortable, very much at ease.

at ease:舒適;自由自在;稍息


2. ... all squeezing one another’s hands in support of the rightfulness of the moment.

in support of:維護;支持;擁護




佚名 / Anonymous

I was late for the school bus and rushing to get ready. My dog, Tippy, ran past me. What’s your big hurry? I wondered, annoyed. It wasn’t like he was late for the school bus like I was. When he got to the front door, he lay down in front of it—his way of asking to be petted. I ignored his shameless begging for affection, hurdled over him and sprinted for the waiting yellow bus.

That afternoon, I jumped out of the bus and dashed up the driveway. That’s odd, I thought. Tippy was usually outside, barking an entire paragraph of “hellos” as soon as he saw me come home. When I burst through the door, the house was quiet and still. I dumped my coat and backpack on the floor. Mom silently appeared. She asked me to sit down at the kitchen table.