相反,投手拿到球後,高高地拋出一個大弧線,將球投到了右半場,這樣一壘手根本接不著。所有人都開始喊:“沙亞,跑到一壘,跑到一壘!” 此前,沙亞還從未跑到過一壘去。他匆匆地跑過壘線,驚奇地睜大了眼睛。當他跑到一壘時,右外野手已接到球了。他本可以把球傳給二壘手,這樣就可以把奔跑中的沙亞觸殺出局。但右外野手明白投手的意思,因此把球往遠處拋去,甚至遠高過了二壘手的頭。人們都在喊:“跑到二壘,跑到二壘。”於是沙亞跑向二壘,同時隊員已經瘋狂地衝到他前麵朝著本壘將壘圍了起來。沙亞跑到二壘時,對方的遊擊手向他跑來,將他引向三壘並喊道:“往三壘跑。”當沙亞轉到三壘時,兩隊的男孩都在他後麵大喊:“沙亞,跑回本壘!”沙亞跑到本壘,站在本壘板上。18個男孩把他當做英雄舉在肩膀上,因為他剛打了一個“滿壘全壘打”,為自己這一隊贏得了比賽。
1. “I believe,” the father answered, “that when God_________ a child like this into the world, the perfection that he seeks is in the way people_________ to this child.” He then told the following_________about his son Shaya.
2. Shaya’s father_________ that his son was not at all athletic and that most boys would not want him on their team. But Shaya’s father understood that_________ his son were chosen to play it would give him a comfortable_________ of belonging. Shaya’s father approached one of the boys in the field and_________ if Shaya could play.
3. Shaya ran home, stepped on home plate and all 18 boys lifted him on their_________ and made him the_________, as he had just hit a “grand slam” and_________ the game for his team.