首頁 研究生英語寫作教程(第2版)

Chapter Six Writing Using Graphs, Tables and/or Charts


Bar graphs (柱狀圖) , line graphs (線狀圖) , tables (表格圖) , and pie charts (餅狀圖) are used to present numerical facts and relationships in visual form.Often it is much easier to pick out needed information by looking at them than by reading through written material.Thus, the ability to get information from these visual forms quickly and accurately is a very useful skill.

Model Essay One

The bar graph shows the increase in the number of adolescents, aged 10 to 19, who died from gun violence between 1987 and 1991.The number of children killed by guns, aged 10-19, rose from 1350 in 1987 to 2200 in 1991.The total number of U.S.homicide victims, aged 10-19, went up to 2100 in 1987, 2400 in 1988, and 2750 in 1991 respectively.

American adolescents committed so many murders for some of the following reasons.A five-year study by the American Psychological Association found that the average child has witnessed 8, 000 murders and 100, 000 other acts of violence on TV by the time he or she has completed sixth grade.Moreover, an astonishing number of children either own a gun or know how to get one.Therefore, the widespread availability of firearms makes it far too easy for kids to kill and be killed.

To cure this social disease, we need to focus on prevention.The best place to begin is in the home where children should watch TV under the guidance of their parents so that they will not imitate anti-social acts.Next, to manage anger, kids should be taught to cool their emotions by dealing with a dispute nonviolently.For example, if they can't reach an agreement, they should try to negotiate a compromise.The most pressing task, however, is to get guns away from children.In doing so, we can prevent children from accidentally shooting themselves or someone else.

Model Essay Two

The two line graphs make it clear that both oil wells have steadily increased their oil production in the past few years.At the Oyster Bay Field, the oil production in the first year was 453.6 B/D.After this oil well pumped 660.8 B/D in the second year, its production rose to 825.4 B/D in the third year.The oil production at Zuma Field in five years went up from 329.1 B/D to 927.8 B/D.