首頁 研究生英語寫作教程(第2版)

Chapter Five Five Types of Essays


Section One Process (how to…)

A process (how to…) is a series of actions leading to an expected or planned outcome.There are two kinds of process essays: directional and informational.Directional process essays give the reader directions to follow, such as how to get a visa.The purpose of this kind of essay is to clarify the steps in the procedure so that the reader can re-create the process and achieve the results.Informational process essays, on the other hand, explain to the reader how something is/was accomplished or how something works/worked, such as how a space satellite is launched.The purpose of this kind of essay is to inform the reader about a certain subject, but he does not have to do the task in person.Now read the following model essay carefully and identify whether it is a directional process essay or an informational process essay.

How to Train Your Pet

Have you ever wondered how the animals you see on TV and in movies are trained to perform such amazing tricks? Many of their trainers use a technique based on the teaching methods developed by behavioral psychologists such as B.E Skinner.Skinner studied techniques for reinforcing desired behaviors in animals.Animals can be taught many sophisticated tricks using Skinner's techniques.If you want to teach your pet to do a trick, you must understand the technique psychologists call“shaping”.Shaping means reinforcing, or strengthening, behaviors that you want to encourage.Here is how you can apply his techniques to training your pet to do tricks.

Begin by making some decisions.First of all, you need to choose your subject.You can pick any household pet, such as a cat, parrot, or dog.Suppose, for example, that you want to teach your dog to do a trick.The next thing to do is to choose a reward.Food is usually the easiest reward to use.Keep in mind that in order for food to be an effective reward, your dog has to be hungry.Don't try to teach him a new trick right after he has eaten a big meal.Also, a reward is most effective when it is given at the same time that the dog performs the desired trick.Since you will not always be able to give the dog food as quickly as you would like to, you will need to develop a“conditioned reinforcer”.You can do this by connecting the food with something else, such as ringing a bell.In this case, the sound the bell makes is the conditioned reinforcer.