首頁 實用英語口語

Part Ⅱ Words,Phrases and Sentences


Useful Words and Phrases

administration 管理 finance 財政

production 生產 experience 經驗

supervisor 主管 marketing 營銷

manufacturing 製造業 personnel 人事部門

profession 職業 responsibility 責任

career 事業 consultant 谘詢師

promotion 提升 adviser顧問

qualifications 資格 multinational 多國的;跨國的

potential 潛在的 persistence堅持不懈

diligence 勤勉,勤奮 boost 促進,提高

enthusiastic 有**的 far-sighted 目光長遠的

coordinate 合作 go about 幹(某事),著手做;著手進行

CHO(Chief Human Resource Officer)人力資源總監

CMO(Chief Marketing Officer)市場營銷總監

Useful Sentences

1.I want to work in the banking industry.我想在銀行業工作。

2.I’d like to help people invest their money.我喜歡幫助人們投資。

3.That’s a job that pays well.這個工作報酬可觀。

4.Which field would you like to work in?你想從事哪個領域的工作呢?

5.I’d like to work in marketing.我想從事營銷工作。

6.I think I could have a good career in that field.我想在那個領域我會幹得不錯。

7.There’s been a growth in that field in recent years.近年來在那個領域有所增長。

8.What kind of job do you want to do when you finish university?大學畢業後你想從事什麽工作?

9.What kinds of jobs are becoming popular in your country?你們國家什麽工作最受歡迎?

10.There’s a big demand for people to work in the field of fitness.健身行業急需大量員工。

11.Our company is expanding in the service and hi-tech sectors.我們國家在服務業和高科技領域發展迅速。

12.I’ve always been interested in working for an international investment bank.我一直想在國際投資銀行工作。

13.There’s been a big growth in anything related to computers.任何與計算機相關的崗位都有大幅增長。